We are proud to announce that “The Heart of Coaching” live workshops for leaders and their teams have just become available ONLINE. We offer this complete series of Core and Advanced Workshops to organizations who want to take their leadership or management team through this experiential learning process to dramatically enhance the results their leaders are able to achieve in their leading others.
For Whom: This course is designed for Senior Executives, Managers, and Front-Line Supervisors – anyone who gets work done by, with and through others. Attendees will learn and apply a robust communication toolkit where there is a dual focus on relationships and performance, leading to dramatically more effective coaching.
Skills: You will learn our Collegial Coaching competencies…check which ones your organization needs most right now…
- form trusting coaching relationships with colleagues
- set explicit performance expectations (vision, strategy, mission, goals, and core values)
- deliver actionable feedback (timely, specific, and helpful)
- ask effective questions that create learning
- listen carefully to responses to build trust
- share positive accountability for outcomes
- collaborate on options to build “buy-in”
- make commitments to mutual action
- set explicit follow-up expectations
- ensure support for success is present
Features: Thomas Crane, author of “The Heart of Coaching” and “The Rise of the Coachable Leader”, is the course instructor, and will be available for direct one-on-one email and phone support. Sessions will be recorded for those who miss them. An Online Forum will support cohort conversations and learning. It will be tailored to your organization in terms of specific delivery and logistical considerations.
Detailed Agenda
Session 1 – Overview, Learning Protocols, Expectations, Learning Partner/Coach, Self-introductions, plus the Foundation Phase that sets up success
Session 2 – Coaching Language & In-the-Moment Coaching Shorthand
Session 3 – Asking deeply powerful Learning Questions to Collaboratively Problem-Solve plus the After-Action-Review
Session 4 – The 7 Keys and 7 Qualities we must understand about Feedback, plus how to deliver both Positive and Negative Feedback
Session 5 – The function and flow of the Feedback Loop and Forwarding-the-Action Phases of the Roadmap
Session 6 – A full and robust Transformational Coaching simulation/practice including documentation, debrief, and feedback
Session 7 – Positive Accountability, Coachability, Coaching Contract for personal behavioral change
Session 8 – Taking the skills back to work through Implementation Planning, and Graduation
Learning Structure
- Pre-work for first class – reading portions of “The Heart of Coaching”, completing self-assessment, two 30-minute webinars, and a short article.
- Each session format will consist of: review results and experiences since last session, new skills (the performance opportunity, the solution, a demonstration, a practice segment, Q & A), and homework to be completed before next session.
- Each person will be paired with a partner (Learning Coach) who will support you with practicing, debriefing, and being a confidential sounding board, etc.
- Participants are expected to check in with their Direct Manager at least 2 times over the course of the 8-week program to share their insights and ensure active support.
- There will be a secure website portal that contains an exclusive class Forum for participant’s experiences, topical dialogue, questions and responses, and inspirational success stories.
Essentials of All Workshops
“The Heart of Coaching” workshops offer a clear opportunity for personal transformation as people shift from thinking and behaving as a boss of people…to thinking and behaving as a coach for people.
Transformational Coaching is our proven, systematic roadmap for holding emotionally intelligent collegial coaching conversations. This toolkit equips leaders and teams to create egalitarian, mutually supportive, highly accountable, coaching partnerships where feedback flows in all directions—up, down, and sideways—across the entire culture.
This “roadmap” for communication becomes a common set of process skills and language that makes everything else easier. Each of the bullets around the loop represent connected skills that are considered options for any given conversation. Rarely would anyone use them all at the same time.
The Human Results Cycle, below, is the companion model. It clearly maps the causal impact of each of the 4 elements on one another, and how they all contribute to Results. The connectors of Choose, Accept, Own, and Reflect embed core accountability into both the feedback and coaching portions of the conversation. It becomes a map for specific feedback that becomes fully actionable—that is the payoff!
As powerful as they are, however, feedback and coaching alone are not enough. Without Organizational Accountability, nothing “sticks.”
Activated together, coaching and accountability represent the yin and yang of true high performance. They are interdependent and compulsory performance principles.
Organizational Accountability is the practice of consciously choosing our thoughts and actions, fully and completely communicating with our colleagues, and willingly accepting the intellectual and emotional ownership for the full impact of our choices.
We share how to model it, spot it and coach it—moving people to higher levels of accountability. This means that it is critical to address ineffective, trust-destroying dynamics such as:
- making excuses (rather than owning your part of the outcomes)
- blaming others (rather than looking at what you might have done differently)
- compliance (rather than committed action)
- criticizing others (rather than providing actionable feedback)
- waiting and hoping (rather than being proactive)
Accountability and Coaching Skills Workshops
The resulting experiential workshops teach people how to use both of these performance principles to support dramatically transformed interpersonal interactions, which lead directly to sustainable performance improvements.
We utilize blended & flipped learning to make better use of the precious workshop time, and “facilitate” these sessions as opposed to presenting as a talking head.
Our two-day Core Skills Coaching and Accountability Workshop is robust communication skill development of core material. Our Advanced Skills Workshop develops advanced coaching skills over an additional two days. In both workshops, we keep a sharp focus on Implementation: what happens after the workshop.
Coaching and Accountability Core Skills Workshop

This customizable workshop includes a Participant Workbook and The Heart of Coaching, Fourth Edition.
- Preparation—pre-reading, 360° feedback, webinar
- Leadership Sets Tone: Purpose/Personal Commitment & Support
- Connection to Organizational Strategy, Initiatives and Values
- Coaching Culture Assessment Results—strengths/challenges faced
- Robust Toolkit with 5 different approaches to coaching conversations
- Learning and modeling attitudes and behaviors of Organizational Accountability
- Experiential hands-on practice and feedback—multiple rounds
- Personal Coach as Learning Partner
- Personal Coaching Contract for Behavioral Change (from 360° Feedback Report)
- Coaching Best Practices—toughest real challenges at work
- Coaching Scorecard—personal/organizational goals
- Follow-Through: Actions for Goal Accomplishment
Advanced Skills Workshop

This workshop includes an Advanced Skills Workshop Participant Workbook and covers these essential topics:
- Using Behavioral Styles to connect and coach colleagues
- Coaching my Boss and my Team
- Coaching people through difficult personal and organizational changes
- Emotional Intelligence and ego
- Coaching 3 distinct Levels of Performance
- Coaching Millenials and other generations at work
- Using coaching conversations to build or re-build trust
- Coaching through Conflict
- Coaching for long-term Development vs. Performance
By Andy Deakins, Consultant, The Peer Group