
Culture is the leading indicator of organizational performance. We work to transform the people side of the enterprise—the culture—since that’s where and how the work gets done.

Crane Consulting expertly assists leaders in adding coaching and accountability to their existing culture.

Coaching Cultures

The vision that our clients find compelling is…

In a feedback-rich coaching culture, all members of the culture courageously engage in candid, respectful coaching conversations, unrestricted by reporting relationships, about how they can improve their working relationships and individual and collective work performance.

All have learned to value and effectively use feedback as a powerful learning tool to produce higher levels of personal accountability, professional development, high-trust working relationships, continually improving job performance, and ever-increasing customer satisfaction.

Creating a Coaching Culture is a long-term process for building competencies that create and sustain high performance. Collegial Coaching skills for leaders, managers and supervisors are seen as requisite for high performance.

After all, leaders get what they coach to, not hope for.

How High-Performance Coaching Culture Work Unfolds

Our client’s journey usually starts with a cultural assessment (below) that gathers information about the current culture through the lens of coaching and accountability and lays the foundation and direction for transformational change.

Coaching Culture Assessment

Leaders go first. This is a leader-led change process. Senior leaders participate in an executive-level learning experience that targets strategic organizational performance. The core focus is on developing awareness and skills grounded in Transformational Coaching and Organizational Accountability. Their job is to become Practitioners, Role Models, and Champions.

The organization gradually cascades this experiential learning process to mid-level managers, front-line supervisors, and all other staff, usually led by internal facilitators who we certify as a cost-effective solution.

Since culture shifts by the stories that are told, people learn how to share Success Stories of how coaching moves the needle on behavioral change and performance.

Our transformational process…

…combines clear leadership alignment of key strategic goals with personal and organizational accountability…

…to effectively support ongoing and continuous feedback and coaching conversations…

…that inform and challenge people to develop and improve their performance.

By Bill Johnson, CEO

Farm Credit Mid‑America (FCMA)

Louisville, Kentucky

Since 2011, FCMA has maintained a five-point strategic plan. Four of the objectives change from year to year, but the fifth—coaching culture development—has been a constant from year to year. One of our most important strategies is to provide an exceptional customer experience. We have focused on implementing best practices in the customer experience field by ensuring that our crucial coaching conversations maintain this focus. We use the The Heart of Coaching toolkit to create the customer-centric empathy needed to be a good servant.

We recognize that our most successful teams within the company are those teams where their leaders are very coachable. It is our experience that if you have a capable team, they have trust in their leader who listens to them and takes their coaching. This evolution in individual and team performance success is—at its core—a leader being willing and able to be coached.

[Excerpted from The Rise of the Coachable Leader by Thomas G. Crane. Click here for the full coaching culture success story from the book.]