An organization’s culture is the collective (conscious and unconscious) attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors that define “how we do things around here.” This usually unspoken code of conduct is rarely written down, but often described by the compilation of Core Values that hang on the walls of offices. It is also know as the 800 pound gorilla that usually has its way with anything you toss its way. So – culture becomes the filter through which ALL strategies and initiatives pass.

Leaders set the tone, pace, and expectations for a culture as they inescapably role model what is expected, desired, and/or tolerated in the company.

This is what truly effective leaders do. They…

  1. Set clear direction (vision, mission, strategy, goals) for the business, and do so as collaboratively as possible.
  2. Role model the core values of the organization.
  3. Coach people to alignment and optimal performance on the above.

What has been largely missing so far in the above equation is the ability of the leaders and managers to effectively coach. As leaders become skilled at the leadership practice of coaching (the antithesis of ‘command & control’ management) and authentically become a coach for their teams, they experience powerful benefits. They also set the tone and expectations for coaching becoming a legitimate leadership and team practice within and across the business.

As this transformation occurs, this creates a “performance-focused, feedback-rich” organization that creates and sustains a competitive advantage for the organization over its competitors.

Creating a Coaching Culture is THE NEXT STEP in the evolution of the high-performance organization! This transformative step focuses the awesome power of coaching through its Leaders and Managers becoming skilled coaches for their teams, and is combined with the teams learning this common practice of coaching as an integral way of interacting with one another.

When an entire organization is “on the same page” and has a common coaching language and approach to working together and solving problems, we see these results occur:

  • Leaders become more effective in their roles
  • More open and trusting relationships are formed
  • Interpersonal and organizational conflict is more quickly resolved as it occurs
  • Teamwork and true collaboration becomes easier – and expected
  • Learning is captured and shared across the team more willingly thus reducing errors and cycle time
  • Creativity and innovation are unleashed and more energy is focused on solving external (and internal) customer’s needs
  • Resistance to change is greatly reduced – more people actively support change initiatives because they are involved
  • Organizational values are revitalized and become meaningful (perhaps for the first time)
  • People receive the developmental time/attention they expect and need to grow – their needs get met
  • It becomes a better place to work – people become vastly more engaged in their work in serving the mission of the business
  • People have more fun and turnover is reduced
  • What is the value of these dynamics changing? The bottom line performance is directly impacted!

Crane Consulting specializes is working with leaders and their organizations to help them create a “high-performance coaching culture” capable of creating and sustaining a competitive advantage over their competitors. Tom can be reached at: