One of those “opportunities” is Engagement. The link below offers some reflection on the Cultural Conditions for Employee Engagement and the Engagement Cycle that engages leaders and teams in the business of their organization. I think you will find that refreshing as “engagement” remains a hot and relevant topic across business communities everywhere. This year, it is reported that CEO’s hold this challenge of creating more Employee Engagement as near the top of their strategic organizational priorities. It’s time has come.
As an aside, I think these elements are the same that are needed for close, personal loving relationships. Does that strike you as well?
We are holding our Facilitator Certification process again this year during the week of July 20th at the beautiful Marina Village. This is especially designed for either internal or external Facilitators/Coaches/Consultants who want to greatly expand their toolkit to be able to support leaders and teams in creating the high performance coaching culture that positively enables sustained levels of high performance. Click Here for a PDF file with more information.
In case you missed it, we are exceptionally proud of the developmental work that one of our clients, Farm Credit of Mid America, has accomplished in creating a sustainable, High Performance Coaching Culture with “The Heart of Coaching.” It is a powerful journey.
In the spirit of coaching...Tom